joys of purple carrot

While the weather is hot I find it arduous to boil up a big pot. Simplifying things down to jar size has been fun. Purple carrot has become a bit of a star along with Coriopsis flowers.

I have been using up small scraps of material and embroidery thread which is silk and is available on my Etsy Store.

The next few photos show the colour shift and oxidation of the purple carrot from wet to dry then after washing.


This is wet and just out of the jar pre boiled and sat outside for not quite a month. I have put one in storage and do plan to leave it for a whole year, silk boxer shorts with eucalyptus and flowers from my Christmas bouquet.

Now to my surprise this is the colour shift a couple of hours latter…..

Then I washed and pressed the pieces cotton, silk velvet, wool jersey that had previously  been bundle dyed and thread silk and wool.



milky merino scarf

The milky merino takes colour up beautifully …. it is a pain that the edges roll so readily even after stitching. My other experiments are destine for my Etsy Shop they are cotton wool mix and have coloured up well considering the unknown wool content ( not stated on the label ) the other is a little silk blouse from my op shop.

I will be back to update my etsy shop after my trip to Sydney, hope you all like the small peoples eco clothing ……

Ready to Go

I have done my up dates…. and change my etsy name just a little as wenditreasure came up with some unsavory Google sites !!! check and double check is all I can say….. any way it is now ecoWotT 

drop in and have a gander I will continue to add a few more items so if their is something in particular you are looking for just let me know.

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bundle around a railway spike

The spikes we found are great one long one and the others are short. I had some wool jersey that has been mordanted,  this would have to be my favorite material to work with unfortunately the fabric store were out of stock on my last visit. The leaves that were laid out had been soaking in water and vinegar and I  used this water to boil the bundles in and the results are stunning…. they will be for sale at one of my stalls over the coming months (my Etsy store is on holidays at the moment) If anyone is interested in purchasing please contact me Here

re visit arm knitting

It is funny what comes of having a blog it is a little like a garage sale ( or yard sale ) people buy the things that you least likely expect …… I get more hits on arm knitting ( more like hands for me ) than anything else ! It is a skill I picked up a while back now and have decided to re invest my interest as I have discovered heaps of  yarn/ wool in my New Year house tidy/organization . Good excuse to get theses hands working again and it is sooooo quick ….

I  I intend to felt these scarves they are 3 stands one of them being 100% wool that will shrink … I hope enough to make a difference and change the look/ texture and all going well the will be added to my  etsy store


etsy store up and running

The crunch came and I have spent the day up loading and writing descriptions… I have got my head around it all I think ….

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Wool jersey scarf available on etsy

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Recycled wool journal cover available on etsy

Happy New Year to you all !!!!
Thanks for all the likes and comments,  my sats update came through and I am blown away by the increase of traffic in the past year.  I would not have thought that my simple journal would generate such interest, but it has and I am very proud of my journey.