Easter Weekend

As a family we went south to Manilla a country town central NSW the males of our tribe fly paragliders…. I get a little room to take a small pot, silk thread and paper.

The weekend also beckons me to visit Nundle where the last of the Australian Wool Mills still produces yarn from scratch with all the old machines.

workshop @ mudbrick herb cottage

wow what a joy….. yummy lunch around the table, herbal teas and coffee, gluten free and dairy free food supplied by Sandra the host, and all this lusciousness and relaxing ambiance was included in the workshop I ran for her today. The herb farm sells their plants online @ Mudgeeraba and we had free range of the garden for our ingredients for the sandwiched artist books. Thank you to all as it was a wonderful day.

some paper and test fabrics

I had to drive up to Brisbane to pick up my stock from the Botanique Bazaar @ the Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens this on a Sunday, with my girl is a pleasure… we stop off at the fabric store and have coffee and cake too. The fabric store was having a sale so it was a worth while stop off, came away with a wool/cashmere blend, silk canvas and some of my favorite wool/ silk blend.

Early in August I have been invited to have a display at The Friends of the Botanic Gardens Association symposium being held at the Mecure Resort at the Gold Coast. Thus the extra paper work for cards and frames.

Open Studio

The Open Studio weekend was a great success ….. met lots of lovely people made some bundles, shared some dreams, laughed and talked. We were nearly blown off the mountain by strong cold westerly wind, Bertha ( the laundry boiler )  had her first outing and worked hard, so cold and windy on the Sunday that I wrapped a blanket around her. I shared the Studio space with Nicole Crosswell great friend and neighbour, a very talented lady.

others work from newcastle

Its a week since we started our workshop with Elizabeth…. and I am home now and back to the real world ! Luckily it’s School Holidays so at least there’s no lunches to prepare. Last night was my first chance to look at some stitching and book making from my samples. The photos are from others in the workshop and wow what a talented bunch.