once in a blue moon

It only happens every so often….once in a blue moon….. our son was born on one nearly 19 years ago, so they are pretty special to us.

I spent a day in November at an indigo/shibori workshop which was a real treat, great fun and very informative.

and while away camping I have started to build a stitched blue moon…..



smitten by the blues

I have been itching to get “blue”…… indigo blue and at last a simple and affordable introduction to the how to’s. Located in Brisbane at a great workspace aptly named Work-Shop, they have outlets in Melbourne and Sydney too.

“Creative Classes for Curious Minds”

So I got my hands blue and loads of other stuff..thanks to teacher Claudia Husband.

winter time blues…


Blue its every where I look …… some how I seemed to have missed the indigo train.

But I have played with some paper ….

P1060144It is not indigo but a wash of hibiscus tea that starts out pink

P1060146a little stitching and I still dream of blue ….


