Arm Knitting

I have noticed a some interest in arm knitting (I mentioned it in an earlier post) well I got my hands into action.Teresa Dair was at the craft/ quilt fair in Brisbane(I have put her link in my blog roll).

I went to her work shop and bought the instructions , it is a bit tricky to get you head / hands  around but once you get it  it’s  fun and quick.The instructions talk about felting the scarf so you need to use a wool that will felt/shrink and one or two more that won’t , I have not felted this one yet ….. am undecided about changing the look


New fun stuff

Back from the trip and taking a bit to get back into the groove …

For a bit of inspiration a couple of us went to the Craft Fair in Brisbane I discovered  a couple of new things Arm Knitting with Teresa Dair and Crochet bowls with Jenny King

Lots of fun … have also added a couple of pics of some scarves I did on the road

This neck lace is knitted with 20mm needles over breakfast

This is merino wool, hemp and bamboo nuno felted onto tissue silk

Silk from the trip ” The Channel Country”

A little friend in our tree